0208 8502866

Supporters (3 people)


£25 + £6.25 Gift Aid


£70 + £17.50 Gift Aid


£70 + £17.50 Gift Aid
Bev Wood

Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023

£165 raised so far
of £50 target
by 3 supporters

Bev Wood's Story

This is my fundraising page on behalf of Charlton Athletic Community Trust

100% of target reached!

Fundraising complete! Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has reached 100% of the target!

75% of target reached!

Almost there! Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has reached 75% of the target!

50% of target reached!

At the half way mark! Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has reached 50% of the target!

25% of target reached!

Making great progress, Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has reached 25% of the target!

First donation made!

Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has received a donation, donate to this cause to help reach the fundraising target!

Fundraising started!

Bev Wood has launched a fundraising campaign, show your support with a donation!