0208 8502866

Supporters (16 people)

Betsy and CAFC Bray supporters club

Well done Betsy, the Chamerlain and Garvey support team and CAFC



Gwan Betsy you little legend ❤️



As we say in New York, “go crush it girls!” (and then enjoy some wine…)



Good luck Bets and Cat. You got this girls xx

£20 + £5 Gift Aid


Good luck Cat & Betsy - love a bit of Steps!! xxxx

£20 + £5 Gift Aid

Steve Brown

Good luck Cat and Betsy x

£10 + £2.50 Gift Aid

Linda Murray

Good luck betsy& mammy xxx



Good luck Cat and Betsy.xx

£20 + £5 Gift Aid

Helen Giles

Good luck lovely! 😘

£5 + £1.25 Gift Aid

Aileen & Nancy

Good luck Cat and Betsy!!

£10 + £2.50 Gift Aid

Amy Sljivar

Good luck Cat!

£5 + £1.25 Gift Aid

Mrs Jane M Roberts

Good Luck xx

£10 + £2.50 Gift Aid

Rachel Carter

Good luck Cat and Betsy. Go smash it. Xxxx

£10 + £2.50 Gift Aid

Matt Williams

Good luck!! :)

£10 + £2.50 Gift Aid

Jane eaglestone

Good luck Cat and betsy you can do this xxx

£10 + £2.50 Gift Aid

kerri langley

Good luck Cat & Betsy, you have got this girls xxxx

£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Cat Chamberlain

Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023

£235 raised so far
of £50 target
by 16 supporters

Cat's Story

Betsy and I (and the rest of our little gang) will be walking 9 miles to raise funds for the Upbeats Down Syndrome team between the Charlton training ground and the Valley on Saturday 29th April, prior to CAFC's final home game of the season.The Upbeats  is entirely funded by donations from the public so we need your help! Any amount you can donate would be so gratefully received I know times are tough for all of us right now. Thank you in advance from Betsy and her DS football buddies 💙💛

100% of target reached!

Fundraising complete! Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has reached 100% of the target!

75% of target reached!

Almost there! Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has reached 75% of the target!

50% of target reached!

At the half way mark! Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has reached 50% of the target!

25% of target reached!

Making great progress, Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has reached 25% of the target!

First donation made!

Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023 has received a donation, donate to this cause to help reach the fundraising target!

Fundraising started!

Cat Chamberlain has launched a fundraising campaign, show your support with a donation!