0208 8502866

Joined 3 years ago


Total Raised So Far

  • bob's Total Fundraising Target Progress

bob's Fundraising Pages
Time to get Cycling Grandad!
  • £7,125 Raised of Target (£5,000)

0.00 km

Distance Tracked


Activities Completed

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Recent Supporters

Aaron Feagan
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Love to the upbeats
Donated to Bob Bolder
Time to get Cycling Grandad!
Jimmy Glitter
£15 + £3.75 Gift Aid
Donated to Bob Bolder
Time to get Cycling Grandad!
Colin Deadman
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Good luck bob! Your an absolute legend and always will be to every Charlton fan. Well done matey, up the Charlton👍🏼🚴🏼
Donated to Bob Bolder
Time to get Cycling Grandad!
Mike Pickering
Well done bob. All that hill training in Hope Valley we did payed off ! MP
Donated to Bob Bolder
Time to get Cycling Grandad!
Alan Nelson
£10 + £2.50 Gift Aid
Well done Bob
Donated to Bob Bolder
Time to get Cycling Grandad!