0208 8502866

Joined 2 years ago


Total Raised So Far

  • Jules's Total Fundraising Target Progress

Jules's Fundraising Pages
Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023
  • £120 Raised of Target (£50)

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Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2022
  • £965 Raised of Target (£100)

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0.00 km

Distance Tracked


Activities Completed

Jules's Updates

Keep up-to-date on Jules's progress!

My Upbeats walk for Taylor & the Team

It is such a joy to be able to raise some money for the incredible cause that is the Upbeats Down's Syndrome Football team. Since joining in 2018, this has become a hugely important part of Taylor's life- enhancing both his physical and mental health. Not to mention, having a lot of fun and making some great new friends. The coaches work incredibly hard to give the lads top quality regular coaching, as well as the chance to play matches against other clubs, compete in tournaments and also get away on social adventures. Your kind donations will help fund this wonderful group and mean even more opportunities can open up to them. Thank you so so much. Taylor & Jules  x ⚽️ x 

Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2022 - Posted 2 years ago

Recent Supporters

Susanna Alwen
£50 + £12.50 Gift Aid
Good luck Jules and T! love from Auntie xx
Donated to Jules Rogers
Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023
Sarah Macadam
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Good luck Jules & Taylor
Donated to Jules Rogers
Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023
Jules Rogers
Good luck Jules!
Donated to Jules Rogers
Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2023
Jo Durrant
£20 + £5 Gift Aid
Good luck Jules! We are so proud of you! All our love Jo, Paul, Keira, Emi and Joan (nanny) xxxx
Donated to Jules Rogers
Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2022
£50 + £12.50 Gift Aid
Donated to Jules Rogers
Fundraising for Upbeats Walk 2022